Tuesday 15 November 2011

I'm Back!!

Read the title... I'm back!! xD Haha, yup, I didn't touch my blog since 2 weeks before my final exam.
Ok ok, so I'm just writing what I'm thinking now... Should I write some poems?
Sorry I'm out of ideas since it's HOLIDAY!! Whoo!
Haha, I'll give it a try, I'll write for those SPM participants! All the best SPM-ers!! >:D

Do your best.

Get your books ready,
Keep your mind steady,
Study with all your heart,
But remember, be happy.

I know my words are crappy,
But please, get enough nappy,
Not just to keep you healthy,
Gives your brain loads of energy.

Don't ever, in any way, cheat,
Don't even think about it,
Just don't give yourself a lie,
If caught, you'll have to say "goodbye".

What's the secret? What's the key?
I'll say "Do you best." If you ask me,
Study before the exam's near,
Not a day, not a week, but a year, get this clear.

Did I write enough?
Do you think it's enough?
Hey, don't give me a laugh,
Writing poems aren't easy stuff.

Anyway, study hard guys! All the best! Keep it up! :D

This will be all for today, Byes and thanks for visiting. Ta-ta~